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Contos de Fadas com a GiGi

Aplicativo que conta historinhas para crianças

  • Mais de 50 contos de fadas e fábulas
  • Conheça a GiGi – a simpática papagaia contadora de histórias
  • Lindas ilustrações e narração profissional
  • Descubra cada “Moral da História” e aprenda importantes lições de vida
  • Jogos divertidos para você brincar com seus personagens preferidos
  • Tenha certeza de que seus filhos não estarão expostos a nenhum conteúdo inapropriado
  • Um ótima ajuda para quem está aprendendo a ler 

Leia esta histórinha

One day a Fox caught his tail in a trap.

He struggled and struggled to free himself, and was left with just a stump in place of a tail.

At first he was ashamed to show himself among his fellow foxes.

But at last he was determined to put on a brave face. He called all the foxes to a meeting. He had a suggestion to make.

When they had assembled the Fox proposed that they should all cut off their tails. He pointed out how inconvenient a tail was when they were being pursued by dogs; how in the way they were when all you wanted was to sit down and have a friendly conversation with someone. "I can't see any good use for a tail," he said, "they're useless!"

"That's all very well," said one of the older foxes, "but I don't think you would have suggested we cut off the most beautiful part of our bodies if you hadn't gone and lost yours first."