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Contos de Fadas com a GiGi

Aplicativo que conta historinhas para crianças

  • Mais de 50 contos de fadas e fábulas
  • Conheça a GiGi – a simpática papagaia contadora de histórias
  • Lindas ilustrações e narração profissional
  • Descubra cada “Moral da História” e aprenda importantes lições de vida
  • Jogos divertidos para você brincar com seus personagens preferidos
  • Tenha certeza de que seus filhos não estarão expostos a nenhum conteúdo inapropriado
  • Um ótima ajuda para quem está aprendendo a ler 

Leia esta histórinha

Two friends were hiking in the mountains together, when suddenly a bear came out from behind the trees.

One of the boys climbed up the closest tree as quickly as he could and hid there. The bear had scared him so much that he couldn't even think about helping his friend.

The other boy had no other choice but to lie still on the ground. The bear came closer and started sniffing his body, but he appeared to be dead, so the animal left.

When the boys were sure that the danger had gone, the boy who had hidden in the tree climbed down. ‘What did the bear whisper to you?" he asked his friend. “He gave me an excellent piece of advice - never travel with a friend who would leave you in danger."